Andriod Gaming
Android gaming platform has a large userbase and number of users daily search,download or wait for different and new games and in return developers also provide users the games they want. Even in this competitive place for gaming where nowadays everyone is aware of all type of gaming platform people like to prefer mobile gaming. But the mobile devices can't stand on the potential where the pc gaming or Console gaming stands. Mobile games are played for timepass or for sake of entertainment. But as the andriod or smartphones are more handy and portable devices thousands of games are developed and played by users. People also use many emulators to play non andriod games on andriod like PPSSPP OR GLOUD GAMES.
Back in 2016-17 mobile gamers were not know or truely identified as gamers. The games were not so much realistic. Users usually prefer games like mini militia which was far more popular and has great fanbase then.
But the era was changed by the release of pubg people were choosing this game not only as game but as paasion. Pubg in mobile proved mobile gamers real potential and now mobile gamers are also known as true gamers. But this is not the only thing pubg Brought with it. The main thing was HOPE- HOPE that if game like pubg could be played in mobiles then why not GTA-V. Several roumers and not exactly roumers but details were out tgat the studio which bought PUBG to mobile is going to bring GTA-5 to devices which gave some creates an idea to promote fake apps there were many games that were just buttons on a videos ,honestly I have also wasted my data on it.
People wanted the game to be on andriod and I could have been very profitable for rockstar games also as due to its hype people would not have hesitate to purchase it.
Even , users play old rockstar games available for andriod today also games like GTA San, GTA vice City etc.
But the sad truth is GTA-5 is not available on andriod even after so many years of release and will not be available for next two to three years.
Ways to play GTA V on Android
Now this is not that if GTA V is not available on andriod so we cannot play it There are some ways that we can use to play the game on our andriod. But the similarity of all methods is cloud computing this is the only way one can play these games.
Platform like steam, vortex, Gloud game these offer user to play these games by buying a subscription and these also require good and fast internet connection.
And no other way is there to play this game officially.
So share if you like the post to clear views about GTA-V andriod.
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